A bong provides the smoothest smoking experience possible. Nearly as old as the smoking culture itself is the concept of smoking via water. Unquestionably, one of the most favored recreational cannabis consumption methods is the bong. Every time, the hit is smoother and creamier because of the little built-in water filtration system. This approach of bongs is perfect for you if you don’t like things that make you cough, like joints. But aside from that one advantage, utilizing Beaker Base Bongs provides several other noteworthy advantages. Yes, many of these may be unknown to you.
What is a bong?
Undoubtedly, one of the most well-known aspects of cannabis iconography is the bong. These gadgets come in a wide range of sizes and designs, from basic to elaborately augmented. In addition, compared to spliffs and joints, bongs, which can range from simple plastic tubes to enormous rigs with ice chambers, percolators, and amazing glasswork, might be a safer way to ingest cannabis. Water pipes, or bongs as they are more covertly known, often have a cylindrical shape and a wide base that stores water. This implies that before being inhaled through the mouthpiece, the smoke must first pass through the water.
Benefits of using a bong
It provides smoother hits
One significant drawback of smoking cannabis is that it might aggravate the throat when inhaled. With joints, blunts, or dry pipes, heated smoke enters the lungs immediately, producing an unpleasant burning sensation that may deter beginners (or people who are not used to smoking). A bong gives you a smoother hit since the smoke cools down in the bongwater before you inhale it.
It reduces bacteria and mold
To limit the number of microbes you breathe in, bongwater traps bacteria and mold. Cannabis users frequently share bongs, pipes, and joints, which increases the chance of spreading disease. Some of those impurities are filtered through the water instead of your lungs while using a bong.
Bongs are durable
Bongs aren’t only for one-time use; with appropriate care, they may last for years. For stoners who care about the environment and appreciate the advantages of reused bongs, this is especially enticing. Over time, it also becomes much more cost-effective.
When not filled with marijuana, bongs can serve as decorative items. Okay, little plastic versions might not be the most tasteful, but ceramic and glass rigs frequently have great aesthetic appeal. When their cigarette isn’t being used, many smokers will choose a pedestal for it, either on display in a cabinet or on a mantelpiece. High-end bongs essentially function as interactive works of art.