Charity is the earliest form of giving back to the community that raised us. While most of us are lucky enough to have a good home, food on the table, and parents to take care of us, others are not so lucky. Many children have lost their parents due to the Covid 19 pandemic, and have to now depend on charities to get by.
Extending a helping hand to those in need is preached in all religions, regardless of our differences. We are all still humans, and every human deserves to be loved and taken care of. By donation hk, we can help make the world a better place, or aid those who try to do this work.
Many charity organizations and enterprises are present in Hong Kong, and here are some of the ones you can donate to. Enable social change, in any way you can help children charity is the way to go.
Charities in Hong Kong
There are many charities in Hong Kong, and they are mainly associated with working with and for children. These charities employ unique ways to help these kids, take a look at some of them.
- Cookie Smiles
Every kid loves cookies, whatever form they may come in wherever in the world. By taking this childhood favorite and turning it into a charity venture, the founders of Cookie Smiles certainly knew what they were doing. You can buy and snack on your favorite cookies, while at the same time donating to the charities supported by this company. The organization was founded during the Coronavirus pandemic with an explicit focus on sustaining the charities that work with children.
- Charitable Choice
Charity Choice is an online charity organization that aims to use small donations and give them to the disadvantaged people in society, those who need them the most. By enabling individuals to donate online, they make it easy for anyone with a kind heart to donate money to the cause. Partnering with more than 40 local charities, they bridge the gap between donor and recipient, making it easier for charities to continue their life-saving work.
Charities are the last hope of humanity, and they work to uplift those whom society has rejected. The pandemic has led to more inequities being exposed, and those with no social safety net are the worst affected. Help them by donating to a charity today, and know that you have put a smile on the face of someone who deserves it.